Top 10 ISM Quotes of the Week
#26. Don't break up with my heart. (Tiger262)
#36. Inch by inch in life. (The Big Bopper)
#60. That truck can't pull a string out of a cat's ass. (Zach N)
#81. It's not dinner if you squeeze the rump roast and it farts. (Dan Palmen)
#85. You either do or you don't. (Ms. Lovely)
#88. Life is a poker game. (Ms. Lovely)
#102. No response is still an answer. (Dravism)
#162. What you put into life is what you get. (E.T.)
#163. I can only save the world one tax return at a time. (Julia C., VITA)
#169. Time flies...Start flying. (Wayne G)
#163. I can only save the world one tax return at a time. (Julia C., VITA)
#169. Time flies...Start flying. (Wayne G)